Salesforce Business

by | Jul 10, 2023


There are many options to start a Salesforce business either as a side hustle or a full time venture. Many people start while working their full time job and see where the business takes them. For me, I was working a full time job as a Salesforce consultant when I started the blog ‘Focus on Force’. I was blogging about the experience I gained when working on Salesforce projects. I had the idea that a blog could be the start of a number of different types of businesses. All online businesses need traffic and my thoughts were by building up traffic to the website I could decide later in which direction to take a business. It could have remained a blog and become a content business monetized with advertising. It could have been used to generate leads for a freelancing or consulting business. It actually became a training business providing online courses and exam preparation materials for those studying for Salesforce certification exams. 

 Here are some common types of Salesforce Businesses:

A Salesforce freelancing business is a good option for people that would like to use their Salesforce knowledge, skills and experience and work as an independent contractor for one or multiple clients. 

Starting a Salesforce Blog or content channel is suited best to those that are good at communicating their ideas.