Back in 2013, I was working in a Salesforce Consulting company. I was enjoying working on projects, learning more about Salesforce with each project and started getting certified. I had an idea: document the learnings from each project in a Salesforce blog called Focus on Force. This would serve two purposes, document what I had learned for myself in case I needed it again but also to help others who may be facing the same challenge. In the back of my mind I also had the idea that I could make a business out of the blog, but I wasn’t sure what direction it would take. I found I enjoyed sharing my knowledge and became disciplined to post on at least a monthly basis. Traffic to the blog was slow to start. Very slow. But I had previously had experience with SEO (search engine optimization) and I knew that if I did not give up and created content on topics that others were searching for, the blog would eventually gain traffic.

Tip: Like many things in life, consistency and discipline will pay off if you are following a path that makes sense. It was hard when I first started to write and post content every month with no apparent results. There were days that I didn’t feel like working on an article after work, however making progress each day, not matter how small, is important. When the results do come, it will be a self reinforcing feedback loop, inspiring you to keep going when you feel like you don’t have the energy or motivation. As you can see in the graph, the consistency pays off and compounds over time.